Brick will always have an important place in design and architecture. It’s durable, it adapts to a wide range of architectural styles, and it ages gracefully. However, from homes to mid-rise buildings, much of what we think of as modern brick construction isn’t.
When the United States entered World War II in 1941, it was the beginning of a seismic shift in the American workforce. As millions of men left for Europe, Africa, and the Pacific, they left behind a gap in the factories and skilled trades. Women stepped up by the millions, helping keep industry and construction running smoothly stateside, and turning the USA into the Arsenal of Democracy. Seven decades later, women are still a necessary part of the workforce but are woefully underrepresented in the trades. Even though construction, on the whole, is expected to grow by up to 12 percent by 2026, only 9.1 percent of the modern construction workforce is made up of women. Far from being discouraged by these statistics, J&S Masonry sees them as an opportunity. If you’re one of the growing numbers of women seeking commercial masonry careers in the Pacific Northwest, you’re welcome here.
With property prices at a premium throughout most of the Pacific Northwest, building upward is often the best way to maximize value and ensure a good return on investment. However, building a mid-rise or high rise building is complex, and nothing should be left to chance. That’s why many contractors turn to J&S Masonry, taking full advantage of a skill set that ranges across masonry facades, scaffolding, and construction project management.
Fast track construction holds both promise and peril. For property owners, it holds the potential of a quicker return on investment; for contractors, it can mean the ability to take on more projects each year. However, if not properly managed, fast track construction projects can raise quality and planning issues. If these issues arise, the promise of saving money can be lost, and may lead to disputes and recriminations if things go wrong. The success of a project depends on a contractor with experience in fast track construction. These contractors should possess strong project management skills, the right equipment, and the qualified people to work with to make a fast track schedule work.